Revenue Stream

Horizon Land has 3 Revenue Streams as follows:


LAND Sales

NFT Sales

25% transferred to “Company Reserve” with a lock-up period.

25% transferred to the “Company Operation” to operate the supporting system.

50% transferred to the “Development Funds” to support the growth of the metaverse ecosystem.


We charge a fee of 5% of all transaction volume carried out on the marketplace, including but not limited to ZON transactions related to sales and rental transactions of LAND (from Horizon Land to players and from players to players in the marketplace), NFT transactions (from Horizon Land to players and players to players in the marketplace), peer-to-peer in-game payments (e.g., entrance fees for game experiences), player subscription fees and advertising fees.

25% allocated to the development funds to foster the development of the metaverse ecosystem; 75% allocated to the Staking Pool as rewards for token holders that Stake ZON tokens;

Last updated