
Categories are used to organize collections and make it easier for users to search for assets. By grouping similar items together, users can quickly find what they're looking for without having to sift through irrelevant results. Additionally, categories provide a useful way for creators to showcase their work and increase its visibility to potential buyers who are interested in a particular type of asset.

Get list categories

const opts = {
  'limit': 100, // {Integer} Limit
  'page': 1, // {Number} Current page number
  'orderBy': "name", // {String} Property to sort by
  'direction': "desc" // {String} Direction to sort

const result = await client.getCategories(opts);

Get list tags

const opts = {
  'limit': 100, // {Integer} Limit
  'page': 1, // {Number} Current page number
  'orderBy': "name", // {String} Property to sort by
  'direction': "desc" // {String} Direction to sort

const result = await client.getTags(opts);

Last updated